A9CAD is a 2D Computer Aided Design program which focuses on 2D designs and can be used in a Windows program. This software is free 2D software which is released by A9Tech. This free 2D software can be your reference as one of the best 2D software for the beginner and advanced level. This program can be used for modifying and viewing 2D drawing designs. One of the most common questions that will mostly ask by the new users is how to get ready with A9CAD? Here are some things you need to do to get ready with A9CAD.
Install and Uninstall A9CAD
The user can install A9CAD on their computer. Make sure to find the complete version of free A9CAD file through the internet. You can download the full version of A9CAD and run the setup in your computer. It is important to make sure that you download the full version and wait until all the download process has completed.
To install the A9CAD file, all you need to do is open the setup.exe and run the program. There will be some instruction during the installing process. Follow the instruction and don’t miss any single command mentioned the process.
If you want to update the software, you can uninstall or remove the previous version and install the new version on your computer. There are two ways to uninstall the program from your computer. You can remove the program by clicking start and find the program in men, next you can choose to uninstall A9CAD from your computer. The second one is by deleting the program through the control panel.
Launch and Close the Program
The next steps that you need to know are launching and closing the program on your computer. To launch the program on your computer, you just need the double click the icon program of A9CAD in your desktop. It is really easy, isn’t it? You also can open the program from the menu item and click for start. Then, you can open the program and click the A9CAD in the program. Another way to launch the A9CAD is by opening the window explorer and opens the program file. You will see the A9CAD program in the program file, you can simply double click the A9CAD.exe, and the program will be launch within a second.
The last thing is closing the program. In order to close the program, you can click the file and click exit on the menu. Another way will click the cross sign on the top in the right corner.
The user needs to know some simple instructions to get ready with A9CAD program. They need to find out how to install, uninstall, launch and close the program on their computer.